KAWS a sick brand that's spreading like a epidemic.A brand like this deserves to be here...


A circle is round,a shit stinks,gras is green and KAWS is KAWS.I saw this brand before but never really knew much about even tough it was lookin hot and all.So as a 'true' blogger I went out and did some research here and a little bit there.And this is my result a little article I wrote. Enjoy.


Under the 'X' eyes cartoons you'll find Brian Donnelly,he's from Jersey City and born in 1974.He attended New York’s School of Visual Arts and worked for Disney as a freelance animator after he finished school.

His work

He became a graffiti artist while growing up in Jersey City.He later moved to New York in the 1990s,putting his images on billboards,phone boots and shelters.Nobody really showed interrest in his works in the beginning but later on when he got more popular people went searching for his work.Later he traveld to other city's around the world to do is 'work',city's like Berlin ,Tokyo and Paris.

Later on he started to design limited editions toys,which came really popular in Japan, this was in the late 1990s.Because of his fame in the artistic world ,KAWS has worked with various artist like Nigo from Bathing Ape , Kanye West and Pharrel Williams aka  N.E.R.D. who is a worshipper of his work,BIG-TIME brands like Vans and Nike have also worked with KAWS

"I only like to work with companies that are part of my life already,"
Brian D.

''KAWS’ acrylic paintings and sculpture have many repeating images, all meant to be universally understood, surpassing languages and cultures''.Kaws has painted alot of famous cartoons in KAWS-style ,cartoons like Mickey Mouse, The Simpsons and Spongebob Squarepants


Kaws is still releasing his limited edition work and is holding exhibitions like the 'Beautiful Losers' a mobile exhibition that went through Europe and the US.


Here's a short time line of his work.


1999-First Companion

2002 first kubrick Bus Stops

2005-Blitz in three colorways, limited to 500.





The end.

The official site
KAWS blog


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