Back2School,back to reality

You already saw it coming but it always hits you in the back like a big rambo knife.I'm talking about going back to school the start of a new schoolyear.Some get sick just thinking about it others just get a toughtgasm (No joke).I personally have been caught in both,while sitting at home boring myself to death some days feeling a strong attraction to it ,but afterwards just end up getting stomach aches.

Seeing your class you always have certain types,I gave those types specials names:
The blabla talkers
The hot chick
The guy sitting next to you trying to make a friendship bond,but he's just so weird you don't know what to do.
The silent assasin(people who just don't talk for a schoolyear)
The Joker
The wannabe-leader of the class
The loudmouth
The somethingsomething
..and the list goes on and on and on.

But enough about that and let's get back to reality,just stay in school and while your're already there why not look as fresh as possible,school rules say nothing about that(maybe they do but nobody's cares what school says).

So the coming month I'll be posting mostley school-freshness-related stuff,so just keep that eye on sharp(1280x720).



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